The Singularity Myth, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

Titled The Singularity Myth: Should We Fear AI?, this book presents us with an argued view on the future of AI, risks and capital gains, but always with a special focus on Singularity, which is the concept that defines that machines will become sooner or later superior to humans.
I do not agree with this point of view. I think AI has an enormous potential, but Human DNA will never allow a machine to override its decision-making and control capabilities.
I also confess that the arguments used in the book by the Professor at the University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie are somewhat confusing, being unclear in many situations which is the logical structure that underlies his expectations.
I recommend it, but not as I recommend others. And I recommend it just for the simple fact that, regardless the author’s opinion, it’s possible to always learn a little more about AI by reading it.
Rating 2.6/5

Read in 2020