The Innovators, Walter Isaacson

The Innovators was a book that has a special meaning to me because it was a book from which I got a lot of ideas, examples, inspirations, etc.
From Ada Lovelace to modern times, the history of computing is told with great detail and with a stunning quality. Divided into chapters that mark the evolution of components (hardware) and software, the book has stories from the protagonists and excerpts from other renowned books, thus contributing to a historical but equally interesting reading.
While reading the book, and as I usually do when reading many others, I followed Bill Gates’ “model” of reading, thus pointing out the parts that most caught my attention in a notebook. I decided not to put them in this analysis because they would probably remove the interest of those who intend to read the book, since they would already know the most interesting parts.
I strongly recommend it, not only to students and workers in the field, but also to the public in general, since today we are all consumers of this (r)evolution.
Rating 4.8/5

Read in 2020