Remote: Office Not Required, Jason Fried and David Hansson

I’m not even sure where to start, since this book left me speechless in many ways.
I do not know if the futuristic vision with which the book was written is more surprising (it wasn’t that long ago – 2013 – but it was still long enough for remote work to not be the reality it is today) or if the arguments about the advantages and the strategy to combat the disadvantages.
What is certain is that it is a “must”, it’s a modern book and will continue to be in the coming years. It’s the proof that remote work is possible, has advantages and is even more productive and efficient in many situations. In addition to all this, the book presents us with a dose of refined humor that will certainly leave future readers with smiles from ear to ear.
The only less modern issue is that the view of remote work, according to the authors, is made from a different perspective than the one we live in. While listing the advantages of gradually introducing this method, at this point we were all forced to adopt it immediately, whether we like it or not.
Still, without much spoiler, the authors list pandemic crises and diseases as one of the reasons that could lead to remote work.
Curious enough? I strongly recommend it, of course!
Rating 4.6/5

Read in 2021