Learn with the best ones, Francisco Alcaide Hernández

I think that the name of a book has never characterized me so well!
Indeed, my entire journey has been made at the expense of following the best examples, whether they are at a technical or social level, whether they are family members or public figures. The truth is that none has a path without errors, without problems, but, and also following a very mentioned aspect throughout the 400 pages that make up the book, after all, the problem is not having a problem, but having a solution for the same. And if we know the mistakes of others, we will certainly not make them again.
This is not a personal development book, it’s ‘The’ Personal Development Book. In addition to the big names on the cover, it also includes the testimony of other great leaders in their fields, such as Amancio Ortega, Toni Nadal, Will Smith, among many others.
Needless to say, I highly recommend it!
Rating 4.3/5

Read in 2019