How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates

This was the first book I read about Climate Change. It was not the first about the future of our World, but this one is probably the most important one considering Climate Change will affect more people than the digital revolution or the threats that some say AI will bring to Humanity.
The first thing I must say about this book is that it must have had a real strong planning before the very begining. I say this because, and future readers will be able to prove this fact, the book is written like a guide and, simultaneously, like the mind of an engineer: first, identify the problem, then, find the existing solutions and search for new ones, evaluate the introduction of new features and, last but not least, produce!
The book starts with an engaging introduction where I saw myself already compenetrated with the book. It gives a quick but quite well resumed overview of the book and how it’s structured.
Then, it moves to the identification of why it’s so important to move from the 51k million number (I’ll not a give a spoiler of what this number is) to the zero one, the difficulties we might expect and 5 important questions to have in consideration when talking about Climate Change.
The following chapters include the areas where we are still making a huge impact with bad environmental practices and what can we do, using existing technology, to shape our future for better. During this chapters, Bill Gates includes not only enough data (visually, using graphics, but also numerical data) but also the Green Tax needed to overcome the existent behaviours with new ones that are not only more efficient as climate-friendly. This was my favourite part because the analysis is realistic, based on data and with the eyes both on the present and on the future. I also loved to see the recurrent summary by the end of each chapter.
Before finishing the book, Bill Gates talks about the adaption to Climate Changes, how the governments can make a huge impact on this change and what can we all do to make the world a better place and sustainable to the future generations, including a plan to start as soon as possible in order to revert the bad practices the World has been doing since a long time ago.
Finally, the last chapter is an analogy with the COVID-19 pandemic and what can we learn from this so that we can act on time on Climate Change.
I risk to say it’s now probably my favourite book. It’s not only really well written but it’s also a book well conceived in terms of structure, content and message. Only 5 in 5 because it’s the maximum I can give. Truly recommend it!
Rating 5.0/5

Read in 2021