Hit Refresh, Satya Nadella

Hit Refresh is the perfect portrait of the spirit and soul of Microsoft. In a kind of autobiography mixed with the story and growth in the past years of the technological giant, Satya Nadella, CEO of the company since 2014, shows us the most impactful changes he introduced at Microsoft after his appointment as CEO.
Even more surprising, and without wanting to give to much spoiler, is the focus and the areas that this change has gone through. Many may think that the change was mostly focused on the development of better software and hardware (in fact there was an improvement in terms of software and hardware), but the focus has been on changing the mindset of the Microsoft community: the organization and relationships, the establishment of partnerships with so-called rival companies and a set of other good practices that have been applied in order to increase productivity, creativity and all the good stuff that’s expected from a company like Microsoft.
I could talk a lot more about the book, but it would take away the surprise effect it will have on future readers. I highly recommend the book!
Rating 4.3/5

Read in 2021