The Shortest History of Germany, James Hawes

The Shortest History of Germany should be renamed to The Shortest History of one of the Biggest and Best Countries in the World. Actually, I think the name is not this one just by the fact it would be too long.
This book is divided in four parts, from the first to the fourth half millennium. It presents us the story of Germany from 58 B.C. to the actuality.
The author of this book managed to present in less than 300 pages the whole history of a nation that is nowadays the European reference on pretty much everything that’s positive and, in some cases, even the World reference.
More than historical facts, details and curiosities, it’s also possible to see maps, tables and graphics in general that illustrate the narrative, which is characterized by the direct and easy way the contents are written and available for the reader to quickly understand the foundations of this nation.
Since a long time ago that my admiration for this country has been growing, and that’s precisely the reason for me to read this book: to know more about a country that I admire.
The only thing I didn’t like much about the book was the fact that some episodes were explored more than others, and, most of the times, the episodes I would like to see explored weren’t, like the years that Angela Merkel was the Chancellor of Germany.
Overall, it was a book I enjoyed to read and certainly gave me more knowledge about the German history and culture. I truly recommend it!
Rating 4.5/5

Read in 2022