Elon Musk, Ashlee Vance

Reading this biography was somehow special as Elon Musk is a reference to me. The book tells us the story of the man responsible for the creation of PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, and, more recently, Neuralink.
He started from scratch and, according to the previsions, he could soon become the richest man in the world. It’s just surprising how one person can be CEO of so many and so important companies. We could say that it’s a matter of luck, a fortune he inherited, or some other reason. However, the secret lies in his strong personality, in the way he thinks ahead.
According to Riley, Elon Musk’s ex-wife, he «likes to read, play videogames and be with friends». He isn’t at all an extravagance person, but in his projects he certainly gives himself body and soul. This is the real secret of his success.
Finally, of course, my sincere congratulations to the author of the book, Ashlee Vance, for the extraordinary way in which he conveys to the reader all the information and for never having given up writing a biography of Elon Musk, even after some refusels.
After reading the book, I saw and recommend his TED Talk.
Rating 4.8/5

Read in 2018