The Google Story, David A. Vise

This is a book about Google. And this is also a book you can get to know more about on Google. Curious.
During the 340 pages or so, the author brings us the first years of Google, as a search engine and as a company.
As a search engine, although it was not the first, it’s the most well-known and used in the world nowadays.
As a company, it amazing to see how quick was the economic growth that placed it among the most valuable companies in the world.
This is due to the successive decisions of its founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and the first CEO, Eric Schmidt, who contributed to the rapid growth of Google, its (late) entry on the Stock Exchange and the improvement of the service provided, as well as for the creation of new products, such as Gmail.
Throughout the book, we are told countless episodes that are still interesting, although many of them do not have a direct impact on this known growth, such as the episode with which the book begins, that of the lecture at a teaching institution, or the one from the new Chef, who initially refused to work at Google, but returned a few years later after seeing how much better the company was and who uses Google to find recipes.
I strongly recommend it!
Rating 4.3/5

Read in 2020