The Mythical Man-Month, Frederick Brooks

The quality of this book is so inquestionable that I don’t even know where to start.
First of all, I started by reading this book after a recommendation of the Professors of the curricular unit I have with the same name as the theme of the book: Software Engineering. The fact is that quickly, the book became something special, something I was reading and enjoying, something that just a few books can do, and I must say I never expected this to happen with a technical one.
Having the privillege to read the Anniversary Edition, this book not only contains the original chapters as there are four new ones, in my opinion, the best of the book, side-by-side with the chapter with the same name as the title.
Some things told in the book were not new to me, although it helped me consolidate that knowledge. Others were a completely new point-of-view and I must say I’m a more completed programmer after reading the book, not because it teaches how to code in language A, B or C, but because the fundamentals of programming, the proper way to program, in terms of organization and structure, it’s all in this pages!
It’s a must-read-book for every programmer, for every team manager, for everyone whos passion or work is related with software. There’s just one little thing in the book, related to AI, that I don’t agree, but I will not say it in order to let future readers be surprised (or not) by that and than I’m completely available for further discussions.
Loved it, recommend it!
Rating 4.7/5

Read in 2021